Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well we thought we had our house sold and the lady who was buying it could not get her financing, which we had thought she already gotten but apparently not. So now we can not buy our house and it went back on the market today. That is so depressing. I was in tears all day yesterday and just could not believe it. It always seems when I think things are going well they all of a sudden fall apart. Now we are going to more than likely start all over in finding a house when ours sell because I am almost sure the one we wanted will sell before ours will and I just get so mad thinking about it. Well I hope when the time comes and we sell this house we will find what we want. I am almost afraid to go through it again for the instance it could happen again. I hope that made since. I know I sound depressing but hey this is depressing and I just want things to go well. Now I am back to making sure my house is clean and tidy which with two kids is an almost impossible task but I do the best I can and hope it is tidy enough. I almost wish we had a cleaning lady who could do it for me. That makes me sound lazy but all you out there with children know you secretly wish you also had one. Having pets does not help either. oh well I will stop complaining but nothing exciting has happen since all this and I also have my three hour suger test to look forward to on friday. I am going to be so ill during all this and I do not look forward to it. I have to go in at 8:15 in the morning and I have to be there for three hours drinking that nasty glucola drink on an empty stomach. Well hopefully in the days to come we will sell our house and things will look up.

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