Thursday, November 08, 2007

Catching up

Here are some pictures I have took over the last few days and the last one of Lydia i took today. I have not posted in a while so wanted to post some to catch up a little. This picture of Lydia i took the other day while waiting on Mammy to come get us. She looked so cute in her little hat the ladies at the nursing home made for her. At the hospital they always hand out homemade hats to all newborns which were made form the local nursing homes.
Emma can look so serious at times and it is so hard to get her to smile for the camera, although she is better about smiling for it than she used to be.

The girls were playing dress up the other day and having such a good time doing so. I always love to see what kind of outfits they come up with. That hat on Chloe is a hoot.

This is how Chloe wanted to eat her lunch a few days ago and she thought she was the cats meow. She is the cutest little thing but such a little devil. She likes to aggrivate Emma just because she knows she can. What a stinker.

My baby girl is 9 weeks old and getting so big, At her two month appt the other day she weighed in at 11lbs and 22 inches long. She is still eating 4oz every three to four hours and still not sleeping through the night. We also found that she has an ear infection and i did not even know she was sick other than her being a little conjested. So now she is taking an antibiotic twice a day. She has slept all day today so I know she is not feeling very well.


Laura Herring said...

Cute cute cute! =)

Laura Herring said...

oh...and I just remembered...I have pictures of us playing dress up when we were little. ahh...the good old days. =) hehehehehe....