Monday, August 27, 2007

No baby as of yet

These pics are of Chloe's first day of school. What a goofy girl!

Ok so can you say please lets have this baby! My body hurts, I do not sleep, and i go pee every 30 minutes. I am going into my 39th week and miss Lydia would rather stay perfectly comfy in mama's tummy. Although i am nervous about her arrival but I want my body back so bad. Even if I have to go back to bad migraines and probably more sleepless nights. Both Emma and Chloe were very good sleepers and I am hoping this one will be too, but who knows. We finally got the nursery done and i have been putting my finishg touches on it and will have pics up soon. It is funny with everyone of my kids the nursery has envolved the color green. Emma had a barnyard theme which had a lot of green in itand then for Chloe's I made it pink with green as an accent. For Lydia it just so happens her colors are lavender and green. Green is not even my favorite color it just seems to be combined with so many colors. Chris got the metal plant stand i was using for storing my scrapbooks painted so i could move it into the girls room. I was going to get rid of it because I did not need it anymore for my stuff but thought about it and thought hey it would go great in the girls room to showcase their things and for more storage. Si he painted it white and it looks perfect. I love coming up with things like that and think interior design is my secret calling., but i only like doing it for myself not sure if i would want to do it for other people. Same with scrapbooking. I love doing it for myself but not into it for other people. Well I am going to post some recent pics of the girls and share, i still do not have my photo editing software back on my computer but hopefully soon.

1 comment:

Laura Herring said...

Congrats on the baby news! Lydia is BEAUTIFUL! Let me know if there is anything you need or if I can help out in anyway. =)